AlpHelix Provides Professional Solutions for Membrane Proteins

AlpHelix provides professional analysis and multidimensional quality control services for membrane proteins to meet customers' needs. Our services include SDS-PAGE, ThermoFluor, NanoDSF, HPLC, SEC-MALS, X-ray crystallography and single-particle cryo-EM.

AlpHelix also offers customer-tailored services, such as Se-Met labeling, biotinylation, and PEGylation.

Services Description Cycle
N-terminal sequencing Edman degradation 1-2 weeks
Molecular weight determination Mass spectrometry 1-2 weeks
Protein chemical modification analysis Thin layer electrofocusing 1 week
Protein chemical modification analysis Mass spectrometry 2-3 weeks
Protein disulfide bond analysis Mass spectrometry 2-3 weeks
Thermostability analysis NanoDSF 1 week
Protein purity analysis HPLC and SDS-PAGE 1 week

For more information about our technology and services, please contact us.

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